Together we can make a change!

Support Mage

Mage (Magreth) is a beautiful young Maasai-lady of 23 years young. She is now in her second year at the University of Iringa. She studies Community Development. Her dream is to get her degrees one day so she will be able to help her community. Coming from a Maasai community where 90% of the people live very rural and where the majority of the children have no possibility to go to school, Mage is determind to finish her education and to become meaningful in the lifes of her people.


Mage's parents can't afford paying the school fee and with the help of Hyasinta she found an organization who was willing to support her first year school fee and living expenses. Unfortunately due to circumstances that organization is not able anymore to continue supporting Mage in her second year.

The only option Mage has now is to quit university, look for a full-time job and try to pick up one day her education again. The chance that this will happen one day is very slim. 

Maybe there is someone reading this story and might like to support this beautiful, hardworking girl? If you would like to give Mage a helping hand in her university expenses, please contact us or make a donation through one of the options our website under the name "Mage". Thank you!

Ps: We can also hand you Mage's student progress report 2023 from the University of Iringa.
